I was a little horrified today to go to my office buildings “Earth Day” celebration only to find each vendor giving away sheet after sheet of paper promoting their wares. It really took me by surprise given how easy it is to just take email addresses and send out a paper free product to all those who want to know about your company! They should have added a recycling trashcan near the regular trashcan, so all those leaving the displays could at least recycle the paper that they were now throwing away! Hikes.
So with that in mind, I decided to use my computer (yes its very easy to do) and did some research on Earth Day. I was very surprised to find out it had been around for 39 years having began on April 22, 1970.
It's meant to be a day to reflect on our planet, our environment and what we can do to help keep them healthy.
Back in 1970 following Earth Day this is what was achieved:
The Environmental Protection Agency was established later in 1970.
The tough Clean Air Act of 1970 was passed with only a handful of dissenting votes in both Houses of Congress.
The Federal Occupational Health and Safety Act aimed at "in-plant pollution" was passed by a coalition of labor and environmental groups.
Within the next three years, such landmarks as the Clean Water Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act were passed.
So how is that 39 years later, we are still uneducated enough to have an “Earth Day” where we hand out flyers and waste so much paper for no real benefit to our earth?
So today – I ask you to stand up and be counted and do one thing today (or tomorrow) over and above what you usually do for our planet. Hang your washing outdoors to dry, don’t water the garden, start a compost pile instead of throwing away your scrap vegetables, walk or catch the bus to work and make sure your office is recycling waste paper. We know so much more now about the damage we are doing to our environment, so please (I BEG YOU) be counted this “Earth Day” and make a change.