A friend of mine recently sent me a funny Facebook message which said I wear my underpants on the outside. It was in reference to taking on another new project (Business School) and it really made me laugh as she is right. Only a nutter or a superhero would take on as much as I have. And while I would like to think I belong to the second category rather than the first....I think its a bit of both. I'm a mother, wife, business woman, business owner, mother to 9 animals and now I am squeezing in a little university on weekends. Bahhhhahahahaha. Okay I am nuts. But nutty in a superhero costume way especially since its almost Halloween. So to all you overachieving mama's - wear your underpants proudly on the outside this October. xx
Friday, October 12, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Just Strolling Along...!
With the weather becoming warmer and even more beautiful than it already is, it's the perfect time to take the little one for a walk in their stroller. And what better accessory to help make the walk enjoyable than a Stroller Tie with cute little bumble bees to provide hours of entertainment and stimulation. You can choose from various colors designed by Alimrose Designs.
Mobile Red and Navy
alimrose designs,
bumble bee,
stroller tie
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Smile, Baby!
There is perhaps nothing more delightful than a smile - especially on your little ones face. And while we'd like to see a permanent grin on our baby, often that's not the case when they're cranky, bored or not feeling well. Whatever the case is, we've got a few creative tips for you to try and bring back that smile that lights up your heart. Take a look at a few tips from Parents.com.
19 Ways to Make Baby Smile
1. Pass the Cookie. After I spent several rainy days stuck inside with a restless baby, I understood why the Cat in the Hat wreaked so much havoc. Dreary weather and the same collection of tired old toys can send my sunshiny daughter (and me) into a real funk, so that's when I pull out all the stops and try to engage her in out-of-the-ordinary games. A game of "pass the teething biscuit or cookie" is one way I jolly a cranky kid into a giggly mood. Here's how to do it: Put one end of a biscuit in your mouth and lean toward your child. She'll take the other end in her mouth. Then lean in and take the biscuit back with your mouth. Pass it back and forth until baby gets the giggles.
2. Crawling Race. Sheila Ellison, mother of six and author of 365 Games Babies Play (Sourcebooks, 2003), is a fan of the crawling race. "Turn on a musical toy and hide it somewhere nearby," she recommends. "Then, challenge baby to a race to find it." Not only does it keep kids occupied, it gives them the physical release they need.
3. Pantry Discovery. "Your pantry is a great source for unusual playthings," says Louise Jones, mother of two and founder of Sydney's Playground, an indoor playspace in New York City. "Fill bowls with uncooked rice and dried peas," she says. "Kids love feeling all the textures." I know mine does!
4. Messy Crafts. Baby-friendly crafts are a rainy-day hit, too. I tint yogurt with food coloring, lay butcher-block paper on the floor, and let Sasha "paint" (and eat). And when we've really hit a wall, we have a bathroom beach party. For some reason, getting wet when it's not bath time is a novelty for little kids. We race bath toys in the tub, blow bubbles, or use baby bath to make lots of suds.
Click here for the rest of the tips!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Need a Mother's Day Gift Idea - Bag It!
Yes, Mother's Day is approaching on Sunday, May 13th. If you find yourself stumped, look no more. You can never go wrong with a cute, classic handbag that can be used for seasons upon seasons. Take a look at a few options we have to offer. From a leather satchel to a vintage clutch, you're sure to find something here for that special lady in your life.
(available in Black only)
(available in Black only)
(available in Black and Green)
latigo leathers,
vintage clutch
Monday, April 9, 2012
Plant a Butterfly Garden
For those who are blessed with having some yard space, why not give back to nature and have your little ones help out with planting a butterfly garden. A butterfly garden will not only spruce up your backyard but will help your child understand the relationship between plants and animals. I found this great article on KidsGardening.org which tells you how to plan out your garden, what plants and flowers to buy and how to make a butterfly feeder. If you click through to the article, they even provide a PDF of a fully illustrated butterfly and hummingbird yard plan.
One of the most interesting theme gardens you can plant with your children is a butterfly garden. A butterfly garden provides a colorful array of nectar-producing plants that not only attract butterflies and hummingbirds, but can also draw your children to explore the intricate relationships of plants and animals. With the appropriate plantings, your garden provides opportunities to educate your children about the life cycle of a butterfly and allows them to view each stage of growth. What do you need to establish a butterfly garden? The basics include at least six hours of sunlight, colorful flowering plants, and leafy “host plants” that attract egg-laying butterflies and provide food for the larvae.
When selecting plants, choose a variety of species that bloom throughout the growing season. This will help lure the butterflies to your garden for longer periods. Butterflies are most active from midsummer to late summer, so make sure your plants offer a wide assortment of blooms at that time of year.
A sample garden plan is attached below. Popular perennials for your garden include aster, sunflower, milkweed/butterfly weed, lilac, and purple coneflower. Annuals are a great addition, too, as they bloom and attract butterflies throughout the season while providing a continual nectar supply. Popular annual varieties include petunia, annual aster, marigold, and verbena species.
Once the garden is planted, stand back and wait for the butterflies to stop by. With a successful butterfly garden, your children will be able to observe the developmental process of a butterfly. The eggs soon hatch, and the larvae appear and eat the leafy growth of the host plant, eventually developing into full-grown caterpillars. Remember, you will need to tolerate some leaf damage from your very hungry garden guests. Later, these caterpillars affix themselves to a twig or branch and form a chrysalis, entering the pupa stage. Within about two weeks, they metamorphose into butterflies and re-emerge.
A fun activity you can do with your children is to create homemade butterfly feeders. To do this, simply drill a tiny hole in the top of a small jar (baby jars are great). Fill the jar with a 10% sugar/90% water mixture. Be sure to use warm water to help quickly dissolve the sugar granules. Next, have your children cut some colorful fabric petals to glue along the top of the lid. Use fishing line to hang your flower jar feeders within or next to your butterfly garden. Make sure to change this mixture regularly in hot weather to avoid mold growth.
Friday, April 6, 2012
A Breath of Fresh Abode Aroma Air!
That's it - pause for a moment and take a deep breath of air. What do you smell? Nothing! You need to spruce up your happy home with some sweet smelling fragrances by Abode Aroma. This Aussie line has a collection of home fragrance diffusers, soaps and candles - all in delicious fragrances such as: fig, cranberry, ginger pear, lemongrass, oriental spice, basil and eucalyptus, crisp apple, vanilla cream and tangerine vanilla.
Have a look and have a wonderful Easter weekend!
Have a look and have a wonderful Easter weekend!
Succulent pear and apple blossom entwined with nuances
of ginger, nutmeg and sweet, sugary undertones.
Fresh herbaceous notes of basil, rosemary, verbena &
lavender are touched with juniper, coriander & cinnamon
and surrounded by precious, woody accord.
A fresh blend of citrus and lemongrass,
with floral nuances and green elements.
abode aroma,
gift set,
ginger pear,
oriental spice,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Baby Led Weaning
With my son now 14 months old I am still surprised how often I am asked - how much longer are you going to breastfeed him? I guess longer than most people are used to these days....
I never thought it was a choice that I had a say in. It was simply for me - until he didn't want to breastfeed anymore. He is still very much looking to me as his major source of nutrition but also as his comforter when he is sad or hurt and because its such a safe place to be - wrapped in his mothers arms.
Today - for the first time, I started doing some reading on weaning baby and not because baby is ready but just for my own knowledge. Lo and behold I found this amazing article! I will put a link below to the full article, but am highlighting some paragraphs that made this so worthy of blogging about. It makes sense and it makes me feel stronger about letting my son choose when he is ready to stop breastfeeding.
Baby Led Weaning
There are many, many benefits to extended breastfeeding, and very few benefits to weaning early. That is not to say that even one feeding at the breast doesn’t have value, because it does. Whether you nurse for days, weeks, or years, breastfeeding provides both you and your baby with many important benefits – but breastfeeding for a year or longer offers the most advantages. Extended breastfeeding is definitely not the norm in this country – worldwide, most babies are weaned between two and four years – but in the US, fewer than 20% of babies are still nursing when they are six months old. While you may find it hard to imagine a mother in India nursing a three year old, that same mother would probably be baffled at the idea of taking a baby off the breast when he was just a few weeks old.
Through millions of years of human history, extended breastfeeding has been the norm. It’s only been in the past century that we’ve seen a shift toward earlier and earlier weaning, and the reasons are not based on scientific fact, but rather on a number of cultural influences. One problem is that in our society, breasts have been turned into sexual objects rather than feeding devices for infants, which was, after all, their original function.
Barbara Hey (the mother of a nursing toddler) wrote: “Breasts will never be considered run-of-the-mill” body parts. Pull out a bottle and a crowd gathers; lift up your shirt and the room clears”. Many people associate breasts with sexuality, and breastfeeding with something dirty, especially if your baby is a boy. The same people who totally freak out at the idea of a toddler nursing don’t think twice about an older baby who sucks his thumb, or hauls around a security blanket.
If you decide to go with natural, or baby-led, weaning, be prepared for lots and lots of unsolicited advice. You will be told that you’re doing it for you, not the baby (this is ridiculous, because it is a proven fact that you absolutely cannot make a baby nurse if he doesn’t want to – try it sometime if you don’t believe me). You will be told that your child will become a sexual deviant (yep, I bet if you took a survey you’d find that prisons are just chock full of men who were breastfed till they were ready to wean..touch of sarcasm here.).
You will be told that your child will become hopelessly dependent on you, and you’ll be following him to Kindergarten to nurse at rest time. Interestingly enough, experience and research have shown that babies who are nursed until they are ready to wean are actually less dependent because their security needs have been met as infants – they tend to separate more easily from their mothers and move into new relationships with more stability. It really boils down to following your instincts as a mother – nobody knows this little individual better than you, and you will know when he is ready to wean and move on to a new stage in your relationship.
There are many benefits of extended breastfeeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for at least the first year of your baby’s life, and WHO (World Health Organization) recomends breastfeeding for at least two years.
-For as long as you breastfeed, your baby continues to get the immunological advantages of human milk, during a time when he is increasingly exposed to infection. Breastfed toddlers are healthier overall.
- When your toddler is upset, hurt, frightened, or sick, you have a built in way to comfort him. Often a sick child will accept breastmilk when he refuses other foods.
-Many of the medical benefits of breastfeeding (lower cancer risk in mother and baby, for example) are dose related – in other words, the longer you breastfeed, the greater the protective effects.
-Human milk offers protection for the child who is allergic.
-Mothering a toddler is challenging enough – nursing makes the job of caring for and comforting him easier. There is no better way to ease a temper tantrum, or put a cranky child to sleep than by nursing.
- Nursing provides closeness, security, and stability during a period of rapid growth and development.
- Letting your baby set the pace for weaning spares you the unpleasant task of weaning him before he is ready. It is important to remember that all children wean eventually. If you are sitting at the computer with a two- week old infant in your arms, who is having marathon nursing sessions around the clock, it is probably hard to imagine nursing a toddler. Nursing an older baby is totally different from nursing a newborn. Forget those forty-five minute nursing sessions. Toddlers climb in your lap when they fall and bump their knee, nurse for a couple of minutes, and they’re done. They will have longer sessions (usually bedtime or nap-time), but they’re way too busy exploring their world to spend too much time nursing. They also don’t nurse as often – maybe every four to five hours, rather than every two to three. Because of this difference in nursing patterns, you are not nearly as tied down with an older nursing baby as you are with a newborn.
There’s another phenomenon that comes into play here. When you look at your one or two or three year old, he will still be your baby. It doesn’t matter if he has skinned knees and peanut butter smeared on his mouth, he is still a tiny little person with lots of growing up to do. It’s a tough world out there, and before you know it he’ll be too big to hold your hand, much less nurse. Why rush him? Ask any mother with older children and she’ll tell you the same thing – babies grow up way too fast, and when you look back on it, the time he spent nursing (even if it was several years) is a very small piece of the pie. He’ll live at home for 18 years, and even if he nurses for 3 of those years… – well, you do the math. I like this quote, but don’t know how said it. “We have 18 years to teach our children independence. Why try to do it all in the first years?”
It should be obvious that I have a bias toward baby-led weaning. It just makes sense to me on so many levels. If someone tells you that babies shouldn’t be nursed past six months, or one year, try asking them “Why”? They will be hard put to come up with a reason that makes sense, much less one that they can back up with any empirical evidence.
This is not to say that I think long- term nursing is right for everyone. When to wean is a very individual decision, and sometimes early weaning is the right thing for you and your baby. If a baby is not happy and thriving, and you’re so stressed that you can’t enjoy the time you spend with him, then it may be time to wean. Most babies do just finr on formula, and breastfeeding at all costs is not the most important consideration.
Full Article Here
I never thought it was a choice that I had a say in. It was simply for me - until he didn't want to breastfeed anymore. He is still very much looking to me as his major source of nutrition but also as his comforter when he is sad or hurt and because its such a safe place to be - wrapped in his mothers arms.
Today - for the first time, I started doing some reading on weaning baby and not because baby is ready but just for my own knowledge. Lo and behold I found this amazing article! I will put a link below to the full article, but am highlighting some paragraphs that made this so worthy of blogging about. It makes sense and it makes me feel stronger about letting my son choose when he is ready to stop breastfeeding.
Baby Led Weaning
There are many, many benefits to extended breastfeeding, and very few benefits to weaning early. That is not to say that even one feeding at the breast doesn’t have value, because it does. Whether you nurse for days, weeks, or years, breastfeeding provides both you and your baby with many important benefits – but breastfeeding for a year or longer offers the most advantages. Extended breastfeeding is definitely not the norm in this country – worldwide, most babies are weaned between two and four years – but in the US, fewer than 20% of babies are still nursing when they are six months old. While you may find it hard to imagine a mother in India nursing a three year old, that same mother would probably be baffled at the idea of taking a baby off the breast when he was just a few weeks old.
Through millions of years of human history, extended breastfeeding has been the norm. It’s only been in the past century that we’ve seen a shift toward earlier and earlier weaning, and the reasons are not based on scientific fact, but rather on a number of cultural influences. One problem is that in our society, breasts have been turned into sexual objects rather than feeding devices for infants, which was, after all, their original function.
Barbara Hey (the mother of a nursing toddler) wrote: “Breasts will never be considered run-of-the-mill” body parts. Pull out a bottle and a crowd gathers; lift up your shirt and the room clears”. Many people associate breasts with sexuality, and breastfeeding with something dirty, especially if your baby is a boy. The same people who totally freak out at the idea of a toddler nursing don’t think twice about an older baby who sucks his thumb, or hauls around a security blanket.
If you decide to go with natural, or baby-led, weaning, be prepared for lots and lots of unsolicited advice. You will be told that you’re doing it for you, not the baby (this is ridiculous, because it is a proven fact that you absolutely cannot make a baby nurse if he doesn’t want to – try it sometime if you don’t believe me). You will be told that your child will become a sexual deviant (yep, I bet if you took a survey you’d find that prisons are just chock full of men who were breastfed till they were ready to wean..touch of sarcasm here.).
You will be told that your child will become hopelessly dependent on you, and you’ll be following him to Kindergarten to nurse at rest time. Interestingly enough, experience and research have shown that babies who are nursed until they are ready to wean are actually less dependent because their security needs have been met as infants – they tend to separate more easily from their mothers and move into new relationships with more stability. It really boils down to following your instincts as a mother – nobody knows this little individual better than you, and you will know when he is ready to wean and move on to a new stage in your relationship.
There are many benefits of extended breastfeeding. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends nursing for at least the first year of your baby’s life, and WHO (World Health Organization) recomends breastfeeding for at least two years.
-For as long as you breastfeed, your baby continues to get the immunological advantages of human milk, during a time when he is increasingly exposed to infection. Breastfed toddlers are healthier overall.
- When your toddler is upset, hurt, frightened, or sick, you have a built in way to comfort him. Often a sick child will accept breastmilk when he refuses other foods.
-Many of the medical benefits of breastfeeding (lower cancer risk in mother and baby, for example) are dose related – in other words, the longer you breastfeed, the greater the protective effects.
-Human milk offers protection for the child who is allergic.
-Mothering a toddler is challenging enough – nursing makes the job of caring for and comforting him easier. There is no better way to ease a temper tantrum, or put a cranky child to sleep than by nursing.
- Nursing provides closeness, security, and stability during a period of rapid growth and development.
- Letting your baby set the pace for weaning spares you the unpleasant task of weaning him before he is ready. It is important to remember that all children wean eventually. If you are sitting at the computer with a two- week old infant in your arms, who is having marathon nursing sessions around the clock, it is probably hard to imagine nursing a toddler. Nursing an older baby is totally different from nursing a newborn. Forget those forty-five minute nursing sessions. Toddlers climb in your lap when they fall and bump their knee, nurse for a couple of minutes, and they’re done. They will have longer sessions (usually bedtime or nap-time), but they’re way too busy exploring their world to spend too much time nursing. They also don’t nurse as often – maybe every four to five hours, rather than every two to three. Because of this difference in nursing patterns, you are not nearly as tied down with an older nursing baby as you are with a newborn.
There’s another phenomenon that comes into play here. When you look at your one or two or three year old, he will still be your baby. It doesn’t matter if he has skinned knees and peanut butter smeared on his mouth, he is still a tiny little person with lots of growing up to do. It’s a tough world out there, and before you know it he’ll be too big to hold your hand, much less nurse. Why rush him? Ask any mother with older children and she’ll tell you the same thing – babies grow up way too fast, and when you look back on it, the time he spent nursing (even if it was several years) is a very small piece of the pie. He’ll live at home for 18 years, and even if he nurses for 3 of those years… – well, you do the math. I like this quote, but don’t know how said it. “We have 18 years to teach our children independence. Why try to do it all in the first years?”
It should be obvious that I have a bias toward baby-led weaning. It just makes sense to me on so many levels. If someone tells you that babies shouldn’t be nursed past six months, or one year, try asking them “Why”? They will be hard put to come up with a reason that makes sense, much less one that they can back up with any empirical evidence.
This is not to say that I think long- term nursing is right for everyone. When to wean is a very individual decision, and sometimes early weaning is the right thing for you and your baby. If a baby is not happy and thriving, and you’re so stressed that you can’t enjoy the time you spend with him, then it may be time to wean. Most babies do just finr on formula, and breastfeeding at all costs is not the most important consideration.
Full Article Here
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Cute Decor Pieces to Spice Up Your Kid's Room
Do you find yourself, when you actually have a free moment, watching HGTV and get inspired to want to spice up your kid's room? While in a fantasy world, it would be amazing to have a top designer and interior decorator come in and do a make-over on their room, but there are simple, easy and cost-effective ways to add little accents to your little one's room. We have a couple of ideas that are incredibly cute and fun!
Made from environmentally friendly plywood from plantation forests.
They are beautifully finished with non toxic varnish safe for children
and the environment.
It's so easy to create a make-shift pirate setting
with these cute flags. Ahoy, matey!
And for your baby girl, grab these cute flags which don
spots, flowers and a cute paisley design.
Throw in some instant seating with a fun and adorable
bean bag with a precious dear in pink.
Monday, March 19, 2012
It Will Get Better, No Really, It Will!
For those of you parents who feel like they might have nearly hit that wall, rest assured that you are not alone. Shall we start a support group?
In today's Huffington Post, contributing writer-lawyer-mother Devon Corneal, wrote this piece titled, "It Will Get Better," which I'm sure most of you can relate to. Please see if you can squeeze in five to ten minutes for a quick skim. If all else fails, just read what's in bold. Enjoy!
"Today I watched Little Dude run to our car, marveling at how tall he's gotten, and how energetic and solidly present in the world he is. In moments like this, when I see how much he's grown and changed, I always flash back to the first year of Little Dude's four-year-long life.
Every single time, I have the same thought: I can't believe I made it out alive.
That first year was hard. The first weeks passed by in a haze of sleepless nights, breastfeeding, and trying to acclimate to having a helpless human being dictate my every move. I thought I was doing pretty well, until Blunt Husband came home one night from work when Little Dude was about six weeks old and told me I looked like Edvard Munch's "The Scream."
My mantra became "It is a good day if everyone is still alive at bedtime." I was setting the bar low, but I was ok with that. There were times in those early months when I honestly wondered how I would get through the day -- and I was just a normal mom with the normal struggles -- no colic, no post-partum depression, no complications. I honestly don't know how parents with those challenges do it.
Four years later, and life is radically different. Everyone sleeps through the night. Little Dude and I talk. We have routines. He eats normal food, picks out his own clothes and tells me when he has to go to the bathroom. These are things I could not have even imagined when I was in the trenches of hourly feedings, fighting to stay coherent in the face of sleep deprivation. I dreamed of days when I could stand down from the perpetual vigilance that infancy and early toddlerhood require.
As much as I am grateful for every moment of his life, I wouldn't go back to Little Dude's first year again for anything. I prefer Little Dude to Mewling Worm.
So for all the moms and dads out there who are hitting a wall, who are questioning whether they have the energy to get up tomorrow and do the whole thing all over again, who wonder what the hell they got themselves into, I want to reassure you -- as an "experienced" mother of a four-year old -- it will get better.
Your child will eventually sleep through the night. By "sleep through the night" I do not use the definition your pediatrician is using, which is a stretch of 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. That definition is just cruel. I mean a full eight hours of sleep in a row. It will happen right about the time you think that someone is secretly waterboarding you, but it will happen.
You will not have to do three loads of laundry a day forever. Babies stop spitting up after every meal, disgorging what seems like more than you put in them. Mustard-hued runny poop will stop oozing out of diapers every half an hour -- although you'll pay the price because then it will start to smell. Don't think about that just yet because we're focusing on the good stuff here. Drooling will become a thing of the past. You will be able to put your kid in an outfit that will stay on for an entire day.
In a moment of exhaustion you'll forget to sterilize a baby bottle. You'll realize that it doesn't matter. Sterilization is overkill -- a good washing will do. On the horizon is a kitchen devoid of bottles, nipples and bottle warmers. You will reclaim your countertop, your cupboards and your dishpan hands. Can I get a "Hallelujah"?
Brand new moms -- you know those night-sweats you're going through -- the ones that leave you feeling like you've been sleeping in a bathtub? I know they came as a shock, no one warned me either, but they'll stop soon and you won't have to wring out your sheets every morning. On the bright side, you're still doing those three loads of laundry for the kid, so what's one more?
You'll figure out how to carry the infant car seat that weighs five times what your baby does, your purse and the-cup-of-coffee-that-is-the-only-thing--keeping-you-from-crashing-the-car-thank-you-very-much, all at the same time. One day you'll get rid of the infant seat altogether. That's a very good day.
Your baby will stop staring vacantly at the ceiling and will smile at you. This clever bit of evolution will kick in around the time you're considering sending him or her back for a newer and more independent model. That smile will change your life forever. It will also keep you from going on a bender.
If you're breastfeeding, you'll be able to stop. This is no small thing. Because no matter how meaningful or profound you find the experience, or if you nurse for one month or one year, at some point you've looked at your swollen breasts and sore nipples as you dragged yourself out of bed at 2 a.m. for the 15th day in a row and wished you could mix up some formula, hand it to someone else and go back to sleep. This magical day is coming. You won't be a mobile milk truck forever. If the thought of that makes you a little sad, that too will pass.
You'll learn what all the different cries mean. Whether you choose to act on those cries, well, that's entirely up to you. I won't judge. Even better is when your child starts to talk. Things get so much easier once you know that "glisphiflbab" means "raisins, please." Being called "da-da" or "ma-ma" also makes up for a lot.
The bags under your eyes and the poochy stomach will go away. I'm talking to you too dads -- pregnancy weight does not discriminate.
Slowly but surely, the claustrophobic bubble of parenting that consumes you when your kids are infants will burst. Things will get easier. Things will get better. You'll have adult conversations, enjoy a glass (or two) of wine, and have sex with your partner. You may read a book, hit the gym, or leave the house without a diaper bag. Eventually, you won't need the diaper bag at all. Right now, it seems impossible, I know, but the world is still out there waiting for you. You just have to get through the first year."
In today's Huffington Post, contributing writer-lawyer-mother Devon Corneal, wrote this piece titled, "It Will Get Better," which I'm sure most of you can relate to. Please see if you can squeeze in five to ten minutes for a quick skim. If all else fails, just read what's in bold. Enjoy!
"Today I watched Little Dude run to our car, marveling at how tall he's gotten, and how energetic and solidly present in the world he is. In moments like this, when I see how much he's grown and changed, I always flash back to the first year of Little Dude's four-year-long life.
Every single time, I have the same thought: I can't believe I made it out alive.
That first year was hard. The first weeks passed by in a haze of sleepless nights, breastfeeding, and trying to acclimate to having a helpless human being dictate my every move. I thought I was doing pretty well, until Blunt Husband came home one night from work when Little Dude was about six weeks old and told me I looked like Edvard Munch's "The Scream."
My mantra became "It is a good day if everyone is still alive at bedtime." I was setting the bar low, but I was ok with that. There were times in those early months when I honestly wondered how I would get through the day -- and I was just a normal mom with the normal struggles -- no colic, no post-partum depression, no complications. I honestly don't know how parents with those challenges do it.
Four years later, and life is radically different. Everyone sleeps through the night. Little Dude and I talk. We have routines. He eats normal food, picks out his own clothes and tells me when he has to go to the bathroom. These are things I could not have even imagined when I was in the trenches of hourly feedings, fighting to stay coherent in the face of sleep deprivation. I dreamed of days when I could stand down from the perpetual vigilance that infancy and early toddlerhood require.
As much as I am grateful for every moment of his life, I wouldn't go back to Little Dude's first year again for anything. I prefer Little Dude to Mewling Worm.
So for all the moms and dads out there who are hitting a wall, who are questioning whether they have the energy to get up tomorrow and do the whole thing all over again, who wonder what the hell they got themselves into, I want to reassure you -- as an "experienced" mother of a four-year old -- it will get better.
Your child will eventually sleep through the night. By "sleep through the night" I do not use the definition your pediatrician is using, which is a stretch of 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep. That definition is just cruel. I mean a full eight hours of sleep in a row. It will happen right about the time you think that someone is secretly waterboarding you, but it will happen.
You will not have to do three loads of laundry a day forever. Babies stop spitting up after every meal, disgorging what seems like more than you put in them. Mustard-hued runny poop will stop oozing out of diapers every half an hour -- although you'll pay the price because then it will start to smell. Don't think about that just yet because we're focusing on the good stuff here. Drooling will become a thing of the past. You will be able to put your kid in an outfit that will stay on for an entire day.
In a moment of exhaustion you'll forget to sterilize a baby bottle. You'll realize that it doesn't matter. Sterilization is overkill -- a good washing will do. On the horizon is a kitchen devoid of bottles, nipples and bottle warmers. You will reclaim your countertop, your cupboards and your dishpan hands. Can I get a "Hallelujah"?
Brand new moms -- you know those night-sweats you're going through -- the ones that leave you feeling like you've been sleeping in a bathtub? I know they came as a shock, no one warned me either, but they'll stop soon and you won't have to wring out your sheets every morning. On the bright side, you're still doing those three loads of laundry for the kid, so what's one more?
You'll figure out how to carry the infant car seat that weighs five times what your baby does, your purse and the-cup-of-coffee-that-is-the-only-thing--keeping-you-from-crashing-the-car-thank-you-very-much, all at the same time. One day you'll get rid of the infant seat altogether. That's a very good day.
Your baby will stop staring vacantly at the ceiling and will smile at you. This clever bit of evolution will kick in around the time you're considering sending him or her back for a newer and more independent model. That smile will change your life forever. It will also keep you from going on a bender.
If you're breastfeeding, you'll be able to stop. This is no small thing. Because no matter how meaningful or profound you find the experience, or if you nurse for one month or one year, at some point you've looked at your swollen breasts and sore nipples as you dragged yourself out of bed at 2 a.m. for the 15th day in a row and wished you could mix up some formula, hand it to someone else and go back to sleep. This magical day is coming. You won't be a mobile milk truck forever. If the thought of that makes you a little sad, that too will pass.
You'll learn what all the different cries mean. Whether you choose to act on those cries, well, that's entirely up to you. I won't judge. Even better is when your child starts to talk. Things get so much easier once you know that "glisphiflbab" means "raisins, please." Being called "da-da" or "ma-ma" also makes up for a lot.
The bags under your eyes and the poochy stomach will go away. I'm talking to you too dads -- pregnancy weight does not discriminate.
Slowly but surely, the claustrophobic bubble of parenting that consumes you when your kids are infants will burst. Things will get easier. Things will get better. You'll have adult conversations, enjoy a glass (or two) of wine, and have sex with your partner. You may read a book, hit the gym, or leave the house without a diaper bag. Eventually, you won't need the diaper bag at all. Right now, it seems impossible, I know, but the world is still out there waiting for you. You just have to get through the first year."
devon corneal,
huffington post,
it will get better,
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Go Vintage!
We all know what spring cleaning means - out with the old and in with new, they say. If you're looking to add a little vintage flair to your child's toy collection, check out these cuties by Empress Arts that will bring back some memories.
(comes in a great box which is perfect for gift giving)
Made of solid wood and painted vintage yellow with speckles of
flowers along the belly, with a head and tail on springs to bob.
(this retro toy will last for years & looks good
on the toy shelf long after your child has outgrown it)
Made of solid wood and painted vintage cream color with speckles of
gold and flowers along the belly, with floppy fabric ears and a head and
tail on springs to bob.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Spring Delights
It's official - the first day of spring starts next Tuesday, March 20th and we are ready! Bring on more sunny days (as if we don't get enough in LA), flowers blooming and fuzzy bunnies everywhere.
Disney's Family Fun website has the cutest ideas for healthy treats. Grab your little ones and head to the kitchen for some fun, spring inspired snacks - all delicious and healthy. For instance, how about a vegetable flower? How fun is this?
Or these adorable Carrot Patches.
Disney's Family Fun website has the cutest ideas for healthy treats. Grab your little ones and head to the kitchen for some fun, spring inspired snacks - all delicious and healthy. For instance, how about a vegetable flower? How fun is this?
Or these adorable Carrot Patches.
Make everyone feel like a star with these Watermelon Pop Stars. They're so simple and you can even freeze them when it gets really hot in the summer.
Who doesn't love anything in an ice cream cone? Here your kids can enjoy a mini dessert-like snack cone with healthy treats inside.
So bring in the spring with some fun new treats for your little sweeties!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Cute Spring Dresses
It's time to put away those drab dark colors and bring out the sweet, pastel colored wardrobe that you've been hiding all winter for your little one. The perfect place to start is getting a new dress for spring activities. We have a few options below that we think you'll love!
Start with this adorable 'Blue Angel' Toile Dress Set - with an elasticized top, hand embroidered embellishments and matching knickers.
Start with this adorable 'Blue Angel' Toile Dress Set - with an elasticized top, hand embroidered embellishments and matching knickers.
Talk about cute! Every little girl needs their own 'Pretty in Pink' Smocked Gingham Dress, designed by us! This precious dress has small heart details and a waist tie in the back. Perfect for any fun occasion.
And this dress is as cute as a robin's egg - 'My Beautiful Blue' Smocked Dress. This is the perfect little party dress with the smocked design, hand embroidery and sash that ties in the back.
blue angel,
my beautiful blue,
pretty in pink,
spring dresses
Monday, March 5, 2012
It's Time To Celebrate - Spring!
Awww, it's nearly time to wash away those winter blues and welcome in spring with open arms. So, gather up the troops (or rather the little ones!) and celebrate spring with a party! Whether it's for a birthday or easter, there are many fun activities that you can do make sure your kids have the best time ever.
Create fun themes and activities such as a tissue flower making area for a Flower Party.
Taunt the boys with Green Jell-o Frogs. Here's how to make these delicious treats:
-To make green Jell-O frogs that won’t melt, combine 4 envelopes of unflavored gelatin with 3 packages of lime-flavored gelatin in a large bowl. Add 4 cups of boiling water and stir until dissolved. Pour the mixture into a lightly greased 9" x 13" pan, and chill until set. Use cookie cutters to cut out frog shapes and add two mini chocolate chips for the eyes.
And top the day off with fun party favors such as: butterfly nets, flower cookie cutters, mini bubbles and sidewalk chalk.
butterfly kit,
flower making,
spring party
Monday, February 20, 2012
Easter is a Hop Away!
March is literally around the corner and it's time to start thinking about Easter! We can help you out. If you're looking for a plush bunny toy to help fill up that easter basket, here are a few sweet options for you to choose from. From the infant to the toddler, we have a great selection for every age range. Have a look!
Have a hopping good day!
betty bunny,
bunny hopper,
bunny stick rattle,
linen bunny
Monday, February 13, 2012
How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways

Ladies Home Journal recently listed 25 fun ways to show you love your kids.
1. Spend time alone with each of your children. Go out to lunch, take a leisurely walk, or just hang out together letting them know you value them as individuals.
2. Nurture self-esteem and self-confidence by praising good effort and a job well done, not just results.
3. Celebrate everyday accomplishments. Make a special dinner with your child as the guest of honor to toast losing a tooth, making the soccer team, getting an A on a science paper, and more.
4. Teach children to think positive by being positive. Instead of noting how dirty they are when they come in for dinner, say, "Looks like you had a great time!"
5. Read "just one more book" even if it's late and you're tired. And don't forget to read to older children who already know how to read themselves. It's a great opportunity to snuggle.
6. Get out the photo albums and their baby books and tell your children stories about their beginnings.
7. Remind them of something they've taught you.
8. Tell them how wonderful it is being their parent and how much you like the way they're growing up.
9. Let your children choose their own clothes. It shows you respect their decision-making ability. Besides, everyone will know you didn't dress them. You would never mix plaid and stripes!
10. Get messy with your kids: Make snow angels, put your hands in the finger-paint, and mush up that clay.
11. Get to know their schedules, friends, and teachers so you can ask, "Did you and Sam sit together at lunch today?" or "What did Mr. Rogers sing in music class?" instead of simply, "What did you do today?"
12. Stop washing the dishes and talking on the phone and really listen when they are talking to you.
13. Teach your children to play jacks, use a yo-yo, knit, or do something you loved as a child. Or let your child choose something new you can learn together.
14. Bend the rules. Let your children put on their boots and jump in the puddles you usually tell them to avoid.
15. Eat dinner together even if it's just once a week. Take turns sharing your week's accomplishments.
16. Cut their sandwiches into shapes with cookie cutter hearts and stars.
17. Slip little love notes, jokes, poems, and words of encouragement into your children's lunchboxes, backpacks, or next to their beds (if you leave before they wake up), just to let them know you're thinking about them all day long.
18. Let your children overhear you complimenting them to someone else.
19. Wear the "jewels" your children make for you and display their artwork proudly in a special, visible place.
20. Try not to do all the things your parents did that you vowed never to do to your children.
21. Instead of saying, "You're doing it wrong," when your child makes a mistake, try saying "Why don't you try it this way."
22. Create a secret word, sign, or gesture of affection that only you and your child share.
23. Remember to give your children a lasting gift: roots and wings. If they push for independence, take it as the sign of a job well done.
24. Forget about yesterday. Start each day fresh. It's a new opportunity to have a better relationship with your children and to fall in love with them all over again.
25. Hug them, kiss them, and say, "I love you" every day, no matter what. Kids thrive on it and it's a daily fix we all need no matter what our age!
Happy Valentines Day,
Ladies Home Journal,
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Hearts Are In The Air!
Be still our beating hearts for Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Who better to be your sweet valentine than your little one and you can dress them up in our cute Bear Beanie by Oobi Baby. With fun pom-pom ears and hand-plaited ties, how can you resist?!? And they come in three sizes: 0 for newborns to 12 months, 1 to fit 12 to 24 months and 2 to fit 2 to 3 years.
oobi baby bear beanies,
valentines day
Friday, January 13, 2012
Cheers to the Juggling Moms!
If you ever ask yourself - "I don't know how I do it?!?" - every day with managing baby, kids, father/husband and your own life, then you are definitely not alone. It's no secret that women have been the matriarchs of the family for years (even if the man of the house won't admit it). Hollywood has portrayed working women over the years in various working or housewife roles trying to juggle the family.
One film you should check out stars Sarah Jessica Parker in "I Don't Know How She Does It" which was based on fictional book by Allison Pearson.
It is a humorous and touching film that will allow your mind to stop racing for a good hour and a half. Our lead character, Kate, is the breadwinner of the family and lands a big job that will require her to travel quite often for a few months. At the same time, her husband also lands an amazing client that he's been waiting for and so begins the juggling and list-making race.
So grab a skinny margarita, pop some popcorn and allow your mind to take a mini-break to commiserate with a silly mom comedy.
One film you should check out stars Sarah Jessica Parker in "I Don't Know How She Does It" which was based on fictional book by Allison Pearson.
It is a humorous and touching film that will allow your mind to stop racing for a good hour and a half. Our lead character, Kate, is the breadwinner of the family and lands a big job that will require her to travel quite often for a few months. At the same time, her husband also lands an amazing client that he's been waiting for and so begins the juggling and list-making race.
So grab a skinny margarita, pop some popcorn and allow your mind to take a mini-break to commiserate with a silly mom comedy.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Cookbook Ideas
With the start of a new healthy year, it's time to dig into your library of cookbooks to see what you can stir up for baby and family. If you're looking for nutritional tips to vegetarian recipes for kids to lunchboxes and snacks for kids, we have you covered. Have a look at a few highly recommended cookbook selections that will inspire you and the little one to create yummy nibbles.
by: Annabel Karmel
by: Jane Noraika
by: Annabel Karmel
Happy Cooking!
annabel karmel,
lunch boxes,
vegetarian food
Monday, January 9, 2012
Beat Those Winter Blues!
It's hard to fathom beating the winter blues when you live in Southern California but for everyone else who can't enjoy sunny and 70 degree weather in January, I know that the little ones can go a bit stir-crazy being cooped up all the time indoors. And while playing in the snow, sledding and building snowmen can be fun, it does have a time limit and your kids will inevitably end up playing indoors, maybe sooner than later.
To keep your kids busy, switch it up with a few fun indoor activities which will help wash away the winter blues. I found some great ideas from the Sheknows.com website. Enjoy!
Who says that outdoor activities need to stay...outdoors? From those favorite yard toys to beloved summer activities, you can bring some of it indoors for lots of winter fun.
Once a year Eileen Wolter and her family celebrate summer in the winter. “We have an indoor beach day on a snow day. We wear shorts and drink fruity drinks and eat corndogs,” says Wolter.

Seattle mom of two Allison Ellis enlisted her kids to create some new living room art. “Both of my kids like paint and we had some really bad hand-me-down art hanging in the living room. I went to an art store, bought some huge canvases and let them go to town! Now I have two beautiful pieces to brighten up the days and cheer up the living room,” says Ellis

For New York City mom of two Gia Machlin, that means a lot of weekend skiing in Vermont. “We rent a half share in a ski condo for the winter, sign the kids up for the developmental ski programs, get season passes, and drive from NYC to Vermont every other weekend from Dec 15th to Mar 15th. It's a schlep, but it sure beats hanging around the city on frigid days,” says Machlin.

Cass Comerford of New York did that with her daughter recently. “There was tons of imagination play (I'm going swimming in the lake, aka the couch) and we had hot dogs (well, tofu dogs) on sticks and we made roasted marshmallows in the toaster oven, sang songs and read books and pretended to star gaze which she thought was hilarious ("I see Max & Ruby in the stars Mommy!"),” says Comerford.
To keep your kids busy, switch it up with a few fun indoor activities which will help wash away the winter blues. I found some great ideas from the Sheknows.com website. Enjoy!
Bring the outdoors in
Who says that outdoor activities need to stay...outdoors? From those favorite yard toys to beloved summer activities, you can bring some of it indoors for lots of winter fun.Once a year Eileen Wolter and her family celebrate summer in the winter. “We have an indoor beach day on a snow day. We wear shorts and drink fruity drinks and eat corndogs,” says Wolter.
Be artsy
The chilly gloom outside doesn’t mean you can’t bring some cheery activity to your home -- with art. Kids love creating, and the creative outlet can be a fun activity for an otherwise inactive day.Seattle mom of two Allison Ellis enlisted her kids to create some new living room art. “Both of my kids like paint and we had some really bad hand-me-down art hanging in the living room. I went to an art store, bought some huge canvases and let them go to town! Now I have two beautiful pieces to brighten up the days and cheer up the living room,” says Ellis
Embrace winter sports
Winter sports can be tremendous fun for kids and adults. Whether you are into ice skating, snowboarding or something else, the cool temperatures are the perfect time to take up an active winter sport.For New York City mom of two Gia Machlin, that means a lot of weekend skiing in Vermont. “We rent a half share in a ski condo for the winter, sign the kids up for the developmental ski programs, get season passes, and drive from NYC to Vermont every other weekend from Dec 15th to Mar 15th. It's a schlep, but it sure beats hanging around the city on frigid days,” says Machlin.
Have an indoor campout
Who says a campout has to happen outdoors? It can be tremendous fun to pop a tent in the living room and pretend.Cass Comerford of New York did that with her daughter recently. “There was tons of imagination play (I'm going swimming in the lake, aka the couch) and we had hot dogs (well, tofu dogs) on sticks and we made roasted marshmallows in the toaster oven, sang songs and read books and pretended to star gaze which she thought was hilarious ("I see Max & Ruby in the stars Mommy!"),” says Comerford.
indoor activities,
winter blues
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Send a Letter - Save the USPS
Don't you love walking up to the mailbox, peeking inside and shuffling through your mail (when it's not bills) and notice a cute card or note from a friend or family member? It saddens me that the USPS is threatening to close down over 3,400 post offices because of a billion dollar loss. I love receiving mail and I want to urge everyone to send out at least one friendly letter a week to someone you are thinking of to support our USPS.
We can help you out as we have the perfect set-up for you - very cute notecards from shoes to playful pets and a gorgeous little stamp dispenser which looks like it came from Tiffany's.
Happy Writing!
We can help you out as we have the perfect set-up for you - very cute notecards from shoes to playful pets and a gorgeous little stamp dispenser which looks like it came from Tiffany's.
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