I saw a headline today in the news that really disturbed me. I was eating my lunch looking at news headlines and on reading ‘teenagers kicked kitten like football’, I literally lost my appetite and felt sick. I couldn’t even bring myself to read the story as it broke it my heart.
For anyone who knows Cute-ture or me, you know that children, animals and people are what matters to me. My previous father-in-law once described me as being too compassionate which I don’t think is possible. When you open your heart and love without expectation or condition it comes back to you three-fold and that is so amazing.
Only this morning, I was talking to my husband about how incredible our cats are. For very little in return, they offer so much love and companionship which is a natural stress reducer and absolutely precious. All animals have feelings and wear their hearts on their sleeves in a way all of us human beings could learn from. If we only learnt to love back so unconditionally like animals do, then this world would be a very different place – a much better one.
Those people who committed such a heinous act on an animal for fun deserve to be punished to the full extent of the law. I just hope that one day they may find love in their hearts and learn that all life is precious and valuable. For each hater converted to love, we are one step closer to peace.
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