Today’s blog is inspired by two things – one is Drover our adorable 5 month old Shih Tzu who is the star of his agility class and the other is his Minimink rug – something we once only looked at as a child’s blanket but now realize it’s the perfect high class doggie bed.
Drover claimed his own Minimink rug at our office (where he works on a daily basis) as well as a duckie handsqueaker and a FLATOUTbear. All items were acquired when our backs were turned and he had gone into the product area only to return with a collection of his favorite things slobbered on just enough that they are forever his.
The Minimink rug comes home with Drover each day and at bedtime, he cuddles up into it and sleeps immediately on lights out. We took his blanket to obedience class on the night he was learning ‘go to bed’ and it only took him one try before he had it down. I said, go to bed and he happily trotted to his Minimink blankie and lay down. The ooh’s and ahh’s from the other dog obsessed owners made us realize that not only does his blanket work for him, but other furry friends were happy to join the luxurious bedding club.
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