The FLATOUTbear was our very first product and after three years in the USA market it still stands up against all other cuddly bears given its simplicity, quality and speed at becoming a child's favorite toy.
Not only do my nephew and niece love their FLATOUTbears (named Roady, Honeybear, Roady 2 and Rosie) but so do my cats and dog! Drover (our 8 month old shih tzu) sleeps with his bear and during the day, Roadie our cat steals the bear and cuddles up with him. Seriously this little flat bear is just divine.
I found this clip on YouTube from a store in Spain and I love that they are calling it FLATOUTbear mania!

Alimrose Designs - Super New Cute Shoes Coming Soon
Alimrose Designs makes the most adorable rattles, handsqueakers and toys and now they have baby shoes as well!! These are so cute and I cannot wait to get them in!!! Let me know if you love them like I do!

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