Some time ago my father was visiting me in Los Angeles and I had signed up to do some volunteer work at the Gibbons Conservation Center and happily he came along. We spent the afternoon clearing brush away from the enclosures to keep the gorgeous singing ape's safe from any fire outbreaks.
I fell in love with the Gibbons and their gorgeous antics while there so was especially touched to see this photo which Prue (the FLATOUTbear founder) sent me!
About Gibbons
Native to the dwindling rain forests of Southeast, South, and East Asia, gibbons are arboreal and considered to be among the world's greatest acrobats. They have the ability to swing from tree to tree distances of 50 feet, at speeds of up to 35 mph, while in trees 200 feet above the ground. This mode of locomotion--swinging under branches while suspended by their hands--is called brachiating. Gibbons are one of the few monogamous primates, and whether on the ground or in the trees, they are known for their dexterity and ability to walk upright. Often referred to as the "songbirds" of the primate family and the most musical land mammal, gibbons can project their voices up to 2 miles through the dense rainforest canopy. Unfortunately, their natural habitat is being destroyed at the alarming rate of 32 acres per minute! This destruction shall guarantee the disappearance of their melodious songs as well.
For more information on Gibbons and how you can help them - visit the Gibbons Conservation Center
Additionally - if you order a FLATOUTbear from Cute-ture.com during August - we will donate 100% of the profit to the Gibbons Conversation Center!
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