In my next career I am going to design gorgeous and varied designs of heater/ventilation/lights for bathrooms and make them available in hardware, lighting, electrical AND bathroom design stores. I spent 8 of today's valuable hours driving from place to place trying to find a bathroom heater/ventilation unit for our bathroom ceiling.
What I found was the same HUGE plastic looking unit that would need to replace the location of our existing leadlight fixture in the bathroom. I just couldn't do it.
Our electrician, who has been working in our house for three days suggested we get a heater and ventilation unit for the bathroom given it is so cold in there. I mean - it is really ice cold in there. Taking a bath in there would be like jumping in a hot tub in the middle of an ice storm! We think its a great idea but I had no idea at the time I said I would rush out and find one so it can go in while he is there, that it would be so difficult.
I just can't believe that in 2007 (soon to be 2008) that they don't have these units in some form that are display worthy or at least discreet so a plastic looking unit doesn't have center stage. Am I really asking too much? I am sure we had better units in Australia back when I lived there - and I would be happy to go there an find one but the power conversion would be a headache. For my family and friends reading this in Oz, remember those four bulb units that heat up - they don't have them here or at least not that I could find in 18 stores in Los Angeles??? I did eventually find a two bulb unit but no one had it in stock - I wonder why!!!! Its the only somewhat okay unit anywhere it seems!
I'm not ready to leave the baby business yet...but when I do - watch out bathroom heater companies (all one or two of you) - here I come!