The first thing I do every morning after leaving the house is head to the post office. For some reason I LOVE mail. I have always loved mail and unfortunately the sad thing as we grow up is that mail stops being as fun - more bills, less letters and cards. I even love junk mail - the pictures, words and always the bargains!
Today I opened our PO Box and saw an envelope with 'Parents' written on it. I had been asked to send some clothing items recently for consideration in the magazine and they mentioned they may use our hats. I never get too excited until I see the magazine as you never now if you make the final cut until it arrives.
Well - a page was marked with 'so cute' with a post it note from the editor and I opened it to find out delicious Oobi Baby bear hat and also our Minimink Russian Hat inside!! Wooo hooo so to speak.
Some people say it never gets cold in Los Angeles (I guess they live in heating...) but it does and certainly hat season is here. I can't even imagine living anywhere colder...yes I am baby about that but it was summer year round where I grew up. Our little bear hats are so adorable and now I think I just need to get them done in our size....
1 comment:
Congratulations! Great to see you getting the publicity that you deserve - keep up the good work and the great products!
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