Thursday, December 13, 2007


Have you heard of gDiapers?? I first heard about them in baby training and then just had to find out more. There was quite a discussion on disposable verse the old fashion cloth diaper and gDiaper seemed to come with good recommendations! That said, I was in a room full of new parents to be so all we really knew was what others had told us and what our instructor was advising! So I have done some research and was blown away by the g!

So this is what I found out:

First of all - Julia Roberts loves them! Maybe not the most important thing when looking for a diaper but this is a person that can afford anything - so her recommendation (and not her paid endorsement) do count.

Secondly - there is no chlorine, no perfumes, no plastic layers, no inks and dyes and no latex! In other words they don't hurt the environment that your child will grow up in!

Third - they are flushable - that's right. Down the dunny (toilet) they go! No more 50 million disposable diapers filling up landfills. Wouldn' t that be nice to know you are not contributing to that disaster - especially when its your child who later will be living with the consequence.

Finally - gDiapers are breathable - they keep babies dry and happy, so they’re less likely to get diaper rash and bonus - they are good for the ENVIRONMENT compared to the landfilling plastic type.

So I'm sold! And no, this is not a paid promotion - I truly believe in products that make a difference - and this is one we don't represent or even sell - but one that matters and which I therefore support.

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